for children
& parental rights
It is a "natural" right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children. "Natural rights" are those given to us by our Creator, and can not be removed by government bureaucrats or school employees.
Children are increasingly exposed to sexualized content in public schools. Books read to little ones, books in libraries and classrooms, anti-bullying campaigns, sexual behavior surveys and focus groups, and graphic Sex Ed curriculum and resource websites bring sexualized content to children. The National Sexuality Education Standards, a collaboration of Planned Parenthood and sexuality activist groups, is a driving force behind the increase in sexual content, promoting the integration of graphic Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) into K-12 Health and other curriculum. As part of Comprehensive Sex Education, children are taught to be allies and advocates for the content they are taught, and that they do not need to follow the beliefs of their parents or families on sex and sexuality.
*Removes childhood innocence, promoting the early and over sexualization of children.
*Built on the research of Alfred Kinsey, which asserts sexuality begins in infancy.
*May teach how to's of oral and anal sex, as well as polyamory (multiple partners) and the sexual consent of children.
*May openly subvert the moral beliefs of parents, family members & a child's religion, and teach children to be allies for sexuality issues in opposition to those beliefs.
*May promote medical intervention outside of parental knowledge and consent.
The K-12 Advisory Committee for the National Sexuality Education Standards which CSE curriculum is based upon, was comprised of individuals from the following organizations:
*Advocates for Youth
*American Association for Health Education
*American School Health Association
*Future of Sex Education Initiative
*Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
*Michigan Department of Education
*Monclair State University
*National Education Association -Health Information Network (NEA)
*The Park School of Baltimore
*Planned Parenthood Federation of America
*Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)
*The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education
*Southern Illinois University
*Texas A&M University
NOTE: The National Sexuality Education Standards, now in its Second Edition, may be referred to as "national standards", but they are NOT required by federal law, or by state law in most states.
In the United States, students are increasingly encouraged to access sexual health services through Health Department clinics, school based clinics, and even Planned Parenthood itself, removing parental notification and consent for medical care. Resource websites provided to students in connection with sexuality content easily connect them with Health Departments and Planned Parenthood. Directing children to medical care outside of parental knowledge and consent is not only concerning in regards to sexual health and abortion, but also problematic when combined with the exposure of children to gender identity materials and curriculum. As seen in Ohio, there is potential for state agencies and courts to side step parents altogether to facilitate gender transition. Directing the care of a child is a natural right of parents, and is outside of the scope of the role of public schools.
An important documentary was recently created regarding Comprehensive Sex Education in California, with assistance from the law firm, Advocates for Faith and Freedom, and is valuable in understanding the potential risks of allowing Planned Parenthood aligned legislation and curriculum to get a hold in a state, as it has in California. Advocates for Faith and Freedom uncovered school districts in California were being advised to FACILITATE ABORTIONS DURING SCHOOL HOURS without parental consent or knowledge, and to lie to parents and amend attendance records as needed to maintain student confidentiality. The following documentary also reveals the graphic nature of Comprehensive Sex Ed content, which all parents need to be aware of as CSE spreads through both mandatory state legislation and local district School Boards across the nation.
“To view this or other documentaries produced by our watch with tim thompson go to
“To view this or other documentaries produced by Family Watch International go to
Stop CSE [Comprehensive Sexuality Education] provides excellent information on content and curriculum used for Comprehensive Sex Ed. The following video provides a good overview.
380.10 Rights of parents and legal guardians; duties of public schools. MICHIGAN REVISED SCHOOL CODE
“It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to determine and direct the care, teaching, and education of their children. The public schools of this state serve the needs of the pupils by cooperating with the pupil’s parents and legal guardians to develop the pupil’s intellectual capabilities and vocational skills in a safe and positive manner.”